Friday, November 6, 2009

technology and lives --- research paper outline

topic: technology and lives

Research question: how does modern technology become a drawback in our lives?

Thesis statement: Although the modern technology has been playing a very important role in our lives since it started to step into every corner of this world; however, it deprived our access to a number of things that was priceless to us.

Introduction: the human history was changed totally when we started to implement different kinds of new technology into our lives. Although people at first didn’t want to accept the technology and even the technology is really expensive and excludable, eventually, every one of us began buying television, air-conditioner, and computer back home. After gradually adapting and even now addicting to technology, the question of whether the technology really improves our lives came into mind, in a time that is exactly when we really need to revise what we have done. For me, as a matter of what I observed, technology screw up our lives in a awkward way that people can see it but never be able to change it.

1st reason: technology occupies the valuable time of ours that too much of it were spent no longer in those things that are supposed to upgrade our living standard, but things that are more virtual and meaningless.

Example: 1. Computer games

2. Online chatting

3. TV series

2nd reason: the efficiency of technology made it possible that we can work on different task at the same time and we seem to enjoy being busy; However, we lost a lot of things that should be treated in a more gentle way.

Example: 1. Relationship with people beside us

2. True love

3. Mental health

3rd reason: as the technology is developing, we are now much powerful than any time we used to be, but we’ve never thought about whether we should play the role of “god” which not only disobey the god in terms of religion but also the real god, nature.

Example: 1. the environmental change of the earth.

2. We are much more vulnerable.

3. The self-recognize


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