Sunday, October 4, 2009

What is the sign of being mature?

Children always like to mimic what the adults do as they want to be looking more mature. This is a nature of us. Even for students in my age, we still tend to do things according to the way the older men do. However, sometimes we blow things up as we misunderstand the meaning of “mature”. Being “mature” is actually not only about knowing more people and being busy all the time, but also about how things really work in a rather microscope but not just having a brief idea, in which way we can do things more like a real “adult” but not only in terms of “age”.

Some students in our age consider making a lot of friends a state of being “mature”. They may not realize the friends they are making could have totally different perspective about everything. I am not saying that having some friends not like you is bad but it could indeed make many trouble for them. Our first goal for having a friend is we can talk to this person about how we feel about everything. If they cannot understand you, there is no possibility that they can give any thing useful back to you. What you should do actually is figuring out what kind of people they are in every small “group” around you and find the one that is mostly comfortable for you. In this way, you can have some true friends who can really listen to what you are saying.

Besides, some of us always feel like showing they are really busy because they think being busy meaning they are hardworking and self-controlled. However, the real intelligent people do not spend all their time on one thing but divide it to many things and they do everyone of them efficiently. Also, being busy about something having little value for you is not worth-well. You could even sleep instead at least it will give you some more energy.

In addition, some of my peers often talk about things that they only know a little with much more their own “prediction”. Many of these are about Economics or Politics. They think talking about these things make them mature. Actually, the immature idea they present is just the proof they are only kids.

In conclusion, being mature is not from the outside looking but the how deep the inside world of a person. Experienced elders see through all these things clearly. We are nothing but some kids and there is a lot more that we need to learn before becoming mature.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I totally agree with you. Being mature should entail not only physical changes but also mental changes. :D
